Jumat, 30 Januari 2015

8 Kebiasaan Karyawan Yang Dibenci Atasan

Ada beberapa kebiasaaan yang dilakukan karyawan di tempat kerja yang ternyata dibenci oleh atasan. Supaya karir Anda tetap berjalan baik, cobalah ketahui dulu beberapa kebiasaan yang tak disukai atasan berikut ini.
1. Datang terlambat
Kemacetan di kota besar, apalagi saat jam-jam sibuk, sepertinya sudah menjadi hal umum. Namun bukan berarti Anda bisa terus-menerus menggunakannya sebagai alasan. Seharusnya Anda sudah bisa memperkirakan waktu perjalanan dari rumah ke kantor, agar tidak sering datang terlambat.
2. Kurang inisiatif
Bos biasanya tidak menyukai karyawan yang kurang inisiatif dan hanya menunggu perintah saja. Setiap kali punya ide atau pendapat, sebaiknya utarakan saja ke atasan.
3. Sering mengeluh
Biasanya bos juga akan membenci sikap karyawan yang sepertinya tidak pernah puas dan hari-harinya selalu dipenuhi oleh keluhan. Hindari kebiasaan mengeluh di hadapan si bos, karena di mata di Anda pun akan terlihat buruk.
4. Banyak kesalahan
Seorang bos pastinya mengharapkan hasil pekerjaan yang maksimal dari pegawainya. Terlalu sering melakukan kesalahan atau tidak bisa belajar dari kesalahan terdahulu, sudah pasti akan membuat bos membenci Anda. Selalu lakukan cek dan ricek saat mengerjakan pekerjaan. Pastikan hasil kerja Anda minim kesalahan saat ditunjukkan pada bos.
5. Sikap menyebalkan
Ada beberapa sikap yang dianggap menyebalkan bagi bos, di antaranya sikap sinis, susah bekerja sama dengan rekan kerja yang lain, suka menjatuhkan orang lain, bersikap negatif, marah saat ditegur atasan, dan semacamnya.
6. Berisik
Sebagai pekerja, Anda sudah seharusnya menciptakan suasana kerja yang menyenangkan. Apalagi lingkungan kantor merupakan lingkungan bersama, bukan tempat pribadi Anda. Jadi hindari memasang musik kencang atau mengobrol keras-keras di telepon.
7. Manajemen waktu tidak teratur
Anda selalu terlambat mengerjakan tugas, padahal sudah diberikan tenggat waktu yang jelas. Ini artinya Anda memiliki manajemen waktu yang tidak baik. Hati-hati, karena bisa saja si bos akan membenci Anda dan akhirnya beranggapan Anda tidak bisa diandalkan.
8. Membawa masalah pribadi
Seharusnya Anda bisa memisahkan hal-hal yang bersifat pribadi dengan pekerjaan di kantor. Jangan membawa masalah pribadi Anda di kantor atau bahkan membuat hal itu merusak kinerja Anda. Sebisa mungkin bersikaplah profesional saat bekerja. Apabila ada masalah pribadi yang demikian besar, lebih baik minta izin untuk menyelesaikannya ketimbang membawa ‘drama’ kehidupan Anda ke kantor. (Bisnis.com)

Rabu, 28 Januari 2015

Jangan Taruh Roti di Dalam Kulkas!

1. Tomat
Tomat yang disimpan di dalam kulkas akan mengalami perubahan rasa. Udara dingin dalam kulkas akan menghambat pematangan tomat, sehingga rasanya menjadi kurang nikmat. Selain itu, tekstur tomat juga akan berubah menjadi lebih lembek dan kering karena rusaknya membran bagian dalam kulit tomat karena suhu yang dingin.
2. Daun Kemangi
Di dalam kulkas, daun kemangi menjadi lebih layu, tidak segar, dan kurang harum karena menyerap semua aroma makanan lain yang disimpan di dalam kulkas.
3. Kentang, Ubi
Suhu dingin di dalam kulkas akan mengubah karbohidrat di dalam Kentang menjadi gula lebih cepat, sehingga Kentang akan menjadi lebih manis dan keras.
4. Bawang Merah, Bawang Putih, Bawang Bombay
Jika diletakkan di dalam kulkas, maka bawang akan menyerap kelembapan kulkas sehingga menjadi lembek dan lebih mudah berjamur. Selain itu, akan mulai muncul akar atau bakal umbi pada bawang yang disimpan di dalam kulkas.
5. Roti
Roti yang disimpan di dalam kulkas memang tidak akan lebih mudah berjamur dibandingkan jika disimpan di dalam suhu ruangan. Namun, roti yang disimpan di dalam kulkas akan lebih cepat tidak segar, lebih mudah berbau dan rasanya tidak lagi nikmat.

Source :  Yahoo.com

Jumat, 23 Januari 2015

The Six Best Ways to Get Rich

We tend to assume that if we work hard and save money then one day we will end up wealthy. This is wishful thinking. We are more likely to end up with some modest but useful savings. If you want to accumulate serious wealth then there a number of approaches you can use and some are much more effective than others. The best ways are as follows:
  1. Start your own business and eventually sell it.This is the most effective and proven way to become rich. If you can find a new approach to a customer need and build a profitable business that addresses that need then you have created real value. It could be a cleaning business, a hairdresser’s, a consultancy or an investment bank. It will probably take years of very hard work to build up the enterprise. Most new businesses fail so the risks are high. You need all the skills, dynamism, perseverance and diligence of an entrepreneur. But if you can pull it off the potential rewards are huge. This is how many of the seriously wealthy people did it.
  2. Join a start-up and get stock. If you can accumulate equity positions in one or more start-up companies then there is an opportunity for a serious capital gain if the company thrives and either floats or is sold to a larger enterprise. Only a small minority of start-ups succeed in realising large capital gains so the odds are not good. However, you can use your judgement to see which business idea and which management team are likely to succeed. Early employees in Apple, Google and Microsoft became millionaires on this basis.
  3. Exploit your skill as a self-employed expert. If you can develop a marketable skill and retain your independence then you can reap considerable rewards. This is how sports stars, authors and entertainers become rich. In general the self-employed expert has greater earnings opportunities than one who works for a company. There are risks and you have to have something special. Your success is in your own hands so this is a popular route for people who have developed a skill and want to strike out on their own.
  4. Develop property. Buying, developing and selling property is a well-established way to build a significant capital position. One of the key elements is that by borrowing money you can gain leverage on your investment. Say you borrow $200,000 and put in $50,000 of your own to buy a property for $250,000. Then you develop the property and sell it for $400,000. The property has increased in value by 60% but your $50,000 has now grown fourfold to $200,000. You have to select the right properties in the right areas and develop them wisely. You are at risk from booms and busts in the property market. However, in the long term this remains a proven way to accumulate wealth.
  5. Build a portfolio of stocks and shares. If you can make steady investments in stocks over a long period, choose wisely and reinvest the dividends then you can build a large store of wealth. Of course stocks can go down as well as up and many small investors lose heart when their portfolio plunges. But over the long-term equities are as good an investment as property and much more liquid. Stock market crashes represent great buying opportunities for those with cash and strong nerves.
  6. Inherit wealth. It helps if you were born to successful or wealthy parents but failing that, you could marry fortuitously!
Here’s a few more ideas that are not necessarily bad but are somewhat riskier if your goal is wealth:
  1. Work in a steady job, cut back expenditures and save in the bank. This is prudent practice and reduces your financial risk but is not an effective method of becoming rich. You should keep your expense within your income but if you want to make serious money then you must significantly boost your income or find ways to multiply your capital. Revisit some of the ideas above.
  2. Be an inventor. Invent a something that everyone needs and patent your invention. Then licence out your invention and watch the royalties roll in. This is another very difficult route to wealth. Some inventors do get rich this way but securing the patent is arduous and signing a good licensing deal is not easy. However more big companies are looking outside for innovations they can market so it is not impossible.
  3. Gamble.We hear about lottery winners and poker stars so this approach can sometimes work but the numbers are so unfavourable that it represents a lousy plan for becoming rich. You are strongly advised to avoid this method and use one of the first six above.

10 Differences Between Middle Class And Rich People

According to Forbes, the 400 wealthiest Americans have more wealth than the bottom 150 million Americans combined. But what about the people in between? The middle class? You may be considered middle class. You’re not poor, but you’re not rich…yet. The middle class seems to be shrinking, according to the data revealed over the last couple decades. That means you’re going to be less likely to be middle class in the future. You’ll more likely be poor or rich. Which side do you want to be on?
If you want to be on the side with the rich, you’ve got to start thinking like the rich. Here are 10 differences between middle class and rich people for you to learn from…

1. The middle class live comfortably, the rich embrace being uncomfortable

“Be willing to be uncomfortable. Be comfortable being uncomfortable. It may get tough, but it’s a small price to pay for living a dream.”
-Peter McWilliams

“In investing, what is comfortable is rarely profitable.”
- Robert Arnott
It’s comfortable to work a “safe” job. It’s comfortable to work for someone else. The middle class think being comfortable means being happy, but the rich realize that extraordinary things happen when we put ourselves in uncomfortable situations. Starting your own business is a risk and risks can be uncomfortable, but a little risk is what it takes to create wealth and achieve superior results.
Step out of your comfort zone. Look at all your options. You will have to be at least a little uncomfortable if you want to become rich. You might even have to fail and that’s great, because if you’re not failing, you’re not doing much.

2. The middle class live above their means, the rich live below

“There is no dignity quite so impressive, and no one independence quite so important, as living within your means.”
-Calvin Coolidge

You won’t catch the average millionaire in a $100,000 car or a multi-million dollar home. The rich don’t spend their money on depreciating liabilities, they spend their money on appreciating assets and they live below their means. On average, the rich drive cars that are a few years old and they don’t buy them new, according to studies done in the book “The Millionaire Next Door.” Even if they can “afford” that fancy new Escalade, they usually don’t buy it.
Remember, if you earn $1,000,000/year and you spend $1,000,000/year, you’re still broke.

3. The middle class climb the corporate ladder, the rich own the ladder

“The richest people in the world look for and build networks; everyone else looks for work.”
-Robert Kiyosaki

The middle class tend to work for someone else. They have a job. A career. Upper middle class tend to be self-employed. They own a job. The rich tend to own the business. They own that corporate ladder that the middle class are busy working up. The rich understand that they need more people working for them to earn more money. The rich understand the power of passive income.

4. The middle class are friends with everyone, the rich choose wisely

“It’s better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you’ll drift in that direction.”
-Warren Buffett

The rich understand that when you surround yourself with successful people, your own success will follow. Likewise, surrounding yourself with unsuccessful people tends to have the anticipated effect. Your income is usually the average of the incomes of your three closest friends. If you want to earn more, hang around people who earn more. It’s all about aligning your mindset with the mindset of successful people. If you want to be rich, you have to think rich.

5. The middle class work to earn, the rich work to learn

“When you are young, work to learn, not to earn.”
-Robert Kiyosaki

The middle class are easily persuaded to change jobs when someone offers more money. The rich understand that working isn’t about the money, especially in the early years. It’s about developing the skills and traits you need to develop to become rich. That may mean working a sales job to better understand the world of selling. Or it could mean you work at a bank to better understand accounting. If you want to be rich, you should be working to learn the skills you need to become rich. Most rich people didn’t get there by earning a high salary.

6. The middle class have things, the rich have money

“Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people that they don’t like.”
― Will Rogers

Back to the fancy cars and big houses. That’s where much of the middle class spend their money. Drive through a middle class neighborhood and you will usually see brand new cars, expensive landscaping and high-dollar homes. The rich understand that to become wealthy, you have to want money more than you want things. If you keep buying things, your money will keep going with them. It’s funny how that works. For example, Warren Buffett still lives in the same home he bought in 1958. And he only paid $31,500 for it.
Stop buying things and start focusing on keeping, saving and investing the money you earn. If you are a shopaholic, start shopping for assets. Become interested in investing, then look for bargains on stocks and businesses instead of shoes and electronics. That being said, it’s not all about saving your money.

7. The middle class focus on saving, the rich focus on earning

“Your greatest asset is your earning ability. Your greatest resource is your time.”
-Brian Tracy

“If you would be wealthy, think of saving as well as getting.”
-Benjamin Franklin
Saving is important. Investing may be more important, but earning is the foundation of both. You understand that you need to save and invest, but to really achieve extravagant goals with them, you need to earn more. The rich understand this and work on creating more avenues to earn and earning more with the avenues they have. If you really want to become rich, work on your earning ability, not your saving ability.

8. The middle class are emotional with money, the rich are logical

“Only when you combine sound intellect with emotional discipline do you get rational behavior.”
-Warren Buffett

Steve Siebold interviewed over 1,200 of the world’s wealthiest people over the past 30 years for his book “How Rich People Think”, and according to him there are more than 100 differences in how rich people look at money compared to the middle class. One of the key differences he found was that the middle class see money through the eyes of emotion, but the rich see money through the eyes of logic. Making emotional financial decisions will ruin your finances. Warren Buffett explains that investing has much more to do with controlling your emotions, than it has to do with money. Emotions are what cause people to buy high and sell low. Emotions create dangerous business deals. Leave emotions out of this and turn to logic.

9. The middle class underestimate their potential, the rich set huge goals

“Set your goals high, and don’t stop till you get there.”
-Bo Jackson

The middle class set goals. Sometimes. It’s the capacity of the goals that differ from the middle class to the rich. The middle class set safe goals that are easily obtainable. The rich set goals that seem impossible, difficult or crazy. But they know they are achievable. It all comes back to having the proper mindset.
When you’re setting your goals, ask yourself if they could be bigger. Ask yourself if that’s really all you can do or if you can do more. I think you can do more.

10. The middle class believe in hard work, the rich believe in leverage

“It is much easier to put existing resources to better use than to develop resources where they do not exist.”
-George Soros

Hard work is a necessity. For all of us. If you want to reach the top (whatever that may be for you), you’ve got to put in the work. The problem is that hard work alone will rarely make you rich. You can’t become rich by doing it all yourself. You have to use leverage to truly become rich and stay that way. Leverage works in many ways, from outsourcing to investing. The more leverage you can incorporate, the more time you will free up to work on the things that really matter in your business and your life.
Some differences between the middle class and the rich are vast, while others may seem simple and minor. The fact is that if you want to become rich, you have to think like the rich and do the things the rich do.

Selasa, 20 Januari 2015

To Abel dan Afel

If I had to choose between loving you and breathing,......i would use my last breath to tell you,.......i love u

Rabu, 07 Januari 2015

all about bawang merah

Saat epidemi influenza merebak di banyak tempat di dunia, seorang dokter memperhatikan ada keluarga yg sama sekali tak tersentuh demam influenza itu.
Ia mendapati bahwa keluarga ini tiap hari menaruh bawang merah yg dikupas di piring dan meletakkannya di setiap kamar di rumah itu. 
Ketika ia mengambil salah satu piring dgn metoda bakteriologis yg semestinya, ia mendapati seluruh permukaan bawang itu penuh virus influenza yg sudah inaktif. 
Bawang merah itu memfokuskan virus ke dalam dirinya, lalu membunuhnya. 
Bukan hanya virus, tapi juga bakteri, semuanya terkumpul di situ dalam keadaan sudah inaktif/ mati. Beberapa toko yg memasang bawang merah di sekitar tokonya juga terbebas dari serangan epidemi dan mendapati karyawannya lebih sehat. 

Jadi, tempatkanlah bbrp butir bawang merah yg telah dikupas dalam sebuah mangkuk, tempatkan di kamar tidur dan ruang keluarga, ganti setiap hari, tentu saja, maka anda akan terbebas dari virus dan bakteri. Seorang penderita radang paru berat menjalani perawatan bawang merah sebagai berikut: 
1. Sebutir bawang merah diiris kedua ujungnya. 
2. Salah satu ujungnya dicocok dgn garpu, lalu tangkai garpu dimasukkan sebuah botol agar dapat berdiri. 
3. Taruh di samping ranjang penderita semalaman suntuk, paginya bawang merah berubah jadi kehitaman karena penuh kuman. 
4.Buang dan ganti dgn yg baru. 

Penderita akan lebih cepat sembuh. 
Bawang merah mentah yg telah dikupas adalah magnet kuat bagi kuman, jadi jangan menyimpan bawang merah mentah yg sudah dikupas, walaupun dalam lemari es, kecuali untuk membersihkan bakteri/virus dalam lemari es anda. 
Begitu pula kentang mentah, setelah diiris atau dikupas mudah sekali dimasuki kuman. Karenanya sebaiknya mengupas bawang merah mentah hanya jika untuk langsung dimasak, bukan untuk persediaan. 

Minggu, 04 Januari 2015

28 hal Google bisa lakukan yang mungkin Anda Belum Tau

Biasanya kita pake Google untuk Browsing dan mencari tau akan sesuatu..!!   
Ternyata Google bisa melakukan ini juga Joo..!!

Tahun ini lebih dari 2.161.530.000.000 pencarian dilakukan melalui Google, namun mayoritas dari orang-orang mungkin tidak pernah tau Google dapat melakukan hal lain yang menarik lebih banyak … :)
Kali ini Jooliti mencoba mengumpulkan hal-hal apa saja yang bisa dilakukan Google yang mungkin bermanfaat untuk Anda lakukan… 

1. Google bisa bantu Anda untuk memilih makanan yang anda inginkan

2. Google bisa digunakan untuk set waktu (timer) atau Alarm !!

3. Pengen tau kapan sunrise dan sunset di bali? Atau mungkin di kota anda? Anda bisa cek di Google waktu tepatny.. coba aja ketik Keywords “Sunrise in Bali
4. Bisa main the hidden games ‘zerg rush’

5. Bisa cek prediksi cuaca di kota anda.. Ketik nama Kota anda dengan di ikuti oleh kata ‘forecast'; seperti contoh “Jakarta Forecast
6. Pengen kasih Tips untuk pelayan, tapi bingung berapa jumlahnya? Coba pake Google

7. Bisa cek status pesawat.. 

8. .. ini Keren Joo.. coba aja cek ketik “do a barrel roll” atau “Z or R twice” dan lihat apa yang terjadi.

9. naahh.. sekarang coba ketik “tilt”, pasti layar anda agak miring.

10. Google bisa cek film, Favorit TV show, dll.. serta
11. Pengen cek kapan sih Film terbaru yang anda pengen lihat keluar
12. termasuk negara dan kotanya..
13. Pengen tau informasi mengenai Perusahan-perusahan? google aja
14. Pengen tau lagu apa saja oleh artis yang anda suka?

15. Coba ketik “Atari Breakout”… kenangan masa lalu… langsung keluar gambarnya..

16. Mau tau bedanya inch sama meter? Atau feet dengan meter? dll

17. Mau dibantu translate sekalian di ucapkan juga bisa..

18. Ketik keyword “Recursion” pasti google juga bingung..

19. Pengen tau buku apa dan di ciptakan oleh siapa?

20. Google bisa mengetahui kapan Foto anda dibuat pertama kali

21. Cape ngetik? Coba aja pake voice.. Google sudah bisa kok..

22. Bisa di jadikan calculator juga Joo..

23. Bisa main Lego dengan BuildWithChrome.com

24. Google Map dan Sekarang juga ada Google Mars

25. Sekarang coba Google Sky

26. Terbang menggunakan Google Earth

27. Google Public Data Explorer

28. Google Classic.. Coba aja tulis http://www.google-classic.com di search bar anda.